Simply put---I love capturing memories

As cliché as it sounds, I've had a love for photography for as long as I can remember. The bittersweet thing that I love about pictures is that-if taken care of properly whether digital or physical- they can last years, decades, some even centuries. That means that at some point in our lives, pictures are all we have left of those we love.

That thought hit me when I found the very last picture (and honestly one of maybe 15 pictures from my entire life) with my dad. He passed in 2011 and some years later in 2016 (I'm going to say 2016ish because the years are just FLYING by aren't they?!?) I found this picture of me and Daddy at his mom's house. It had to be Christmas or Thanksgiving for the whole family to be there. And there me and him were standing in the doorway, awkwardly posing for the camera, me looking at one person with a camera, him looking at a another. And I was so, so dismayed when I noticed that this picture, this precious, final pictures of me and my Daddy was out of focus. Not so much you couldn't tell who we were, but boy do I wish that last picture was nice and in focus and us both looking at the same camera. But, it's not. And I treasure it anyway!

Let me make sure that the memories you have and will treasure for years to come are absolutely perfect!